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Code of Conduct

These Modules focus on spiritual transformation, self-knowledge and applied spirituality. Being in this rapidly changing community and  Society, our focus should also be on the state of our own souls. 


Inevitably, souls that are transformed and hearts that become purified have an influence, both in practical ways and in ways that are described as “spiritual influence”. We serve, nurture and work in humanitarian programs with better mindsets.

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Contact Information

HQ Office for WLI and GNA

Address: 229 West Center St, Medina, NY 14103, USA

Phone: +1 585-682-0730

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 551, Medina, NY 14103


Type: 501 ( c ) 3

Office for WLI Canada

Address: 157 Castle Crescent, Oakville, Toronto

Ontario, l6J 5H4, Canada

Phone: +1 416 219 4748


Charity no: 134961408 R R 0001

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